Research Lines

Line 1 - Educational policies and curriculum

This line brings together research that analyzes the propositions, implementations, and effects of public policies in education and society, as well as their developments and tensions in the curricula of Basic and Higher Education.

Permanent Faculty:

Kamila Lockmann

Maria Renata Alonso Mota

Ricardo Gonçalves Severo

Suzane da Rocha Vieira Gonçalves

Magda de Abreu Vicente 


Collaborating Faculty:

Leonardo Dorneles Gonçalves

Luiz Felipe Alcântara Hecktheuer 


Line 2 - Teacher training and educational practices

It encompasses research in the field of initial, ongoing, and permanent teacher training, as well as investigates educational practices in school and non-school spaces.

Permanent Faculty: 

Ângela Adriane Schmidt Bersch

Billy Graeff Bastos

Caroline Braga Michel

Gabriela Medeiros Nogueira

Vânia Alves Martins Chaigar 


Collaborating Faculty: 

Janaína Soares Martins Lapuente

Liliane Silva de Antiqueira 


Visiting Faculty: 

Ana Cristina Coll Delgado 


Postdoctoral Fellows:

Carmem Regina Gonçalves Ferreira 

Juliana Diniz Gutierres Borges 

Lucas Costa Grimaldi 

Juliane de Oliveira Alves Silveira

Alessandra Amaral da Silveira 


Line 3 - Education, cultures, identities, and differences

This line consolidates research linked to educational processes in their historical and contemporary contexts of culture, identity, and differences production in social, political, and popular instances. 

Permanent Faculty: 

Amanda Motta Castro

Cassiane de Freitas Paixão

Gustavo da Silva Freitas

Paula Corrêa Henning 

Raquel Pereira Quadrado 


Collaborating Faculty: 

Dinah Quesada Beck

Gisele Ruiz Silva

Joice Araújo Esperança 

Visiting Faculty: 

Fernando Selmar Rocha Fidalgo